The 3D Profiling Specialists brought knowledge sharing to the next level

HGG, world market leader in 3D Profiling, recently opened a brand-new eXperience Center in The Netherlands. Customers can not only see the machines in action in the eXperience Center, but they can also learn how to operate the machines and perform the best work preparation for the materials to be cut.

With almost 35 years of experience in designing and building high-end 3D profiling machines and software as well as using them on a daily basis in their own cutting facility in The Netherlands, HGG can be called a true specialist in 3D profiling. In order to make this unique synergy between the company’s two business entities more beneficial for it’s customers, HGG decided to bring their idea of sharing knowledge to the next level by opening an eXperience Center.

“We work with a large team of specialists in all fields of 3D profiling, all with a tremendous amount of knowledge in their work field.” Jos Wijnker, general manager at HGG Profiling contractors says. “We always strive for the best way to let our customers benefit from all the knowledge we have internally.” Wiebe Wiersma, Global Sales manager at HGG Profiling Equipment adds: “We decided to bundle all knowledge and summarize it in two in-house training programs. Combining the new pillar ‘Learn’ with the already existing pillars Produce, Show, Develop, Learn offers our customers the ultimate opportunity to actually eXperience the world of 3D Profiling.”

The HGG eXperience Center is based on the four pillars Produce, Show, Develop, Learn. Bringing these four functions together in one eXperience Center allows HGG to further expand their activities in terms of strategic developments of market driven cutting solutions (Produce & Develop) as well as sharing knowledge about maximizing utilization of equipment (Show & Learn).

Learn from the experts

Customers, machine operators and engineers from around the world are able to learn from the experts at HGG. Experiencing hands-on cutting edge technology first-hand, users can count on developing best practices and new ideas for increasing productivity, all from inside an industrial environment. As a result, the newly gained knowledge will enable HGG’s customers to optimize their welded connections in steel structures, maximize the utilization of their cutting equipment and get a quick production ramp-up. This training program, where theory is combined with the daily practice at HGG’s cutting facility, will speed-up the learning curve!

“The people at HGG definitely know what they are talking about, they utilize the software and machines their selves every day.”


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