Monday June 24, a large group of people from Mexico, Central America and South America visited HGG headquarters in Wieringerwerf, as a part of the IP Grupo South American Tour 2019. We took the opportunity to show them how great our company, our people and our products are.

Wiebe Wiersma, Global Sales Manager HGG

A small introduction by mr. Wiebe Wiersma, Global Sales Manager HGG

The approximately 100 people who work in the steel industry arrived in the middle of the afternoon. They received a warm welcome on the very sunny day.

Our Global Sales Manager, Mr. Wiebe Wiersma, gave a small presentation about HGG. Then everyone was divided into 4 groups to pay a visit to different places in the company.

Extensive tour through the company

Sales Manager Daan van Dee gave a presentation about automated beam cutting technologies as well as specific innovations used on HGG’s RPC beam cutting machine. RPC 1200 is an entire fabrication shop in a single machine.

In our Cutting shop Sales Manager Bart Scheringa demonstrated the SPC pipe cutting machine. In addition, our business partner Zeman held a company presentation in the large meeting room.

The visit was part of a larger tour through the Netherlands and Germany, named IP Grupo South American Tour 2019, with IPS 2019 at Kaltenbach as the final destination.



Visitors watch how the RPC cuts

A large group of visitors from Central America and South America is watching how the RPC cuts

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