HGG’s new leasing option offers manufacturers and fabricators an affordable option to increase capabilities with 3D profiling machine technology. With a small upfront investment and then manageable monthly installments, companies can increase productivity, eliminate layout costs, as well as reduce costs associated with fitting, welding and grinding. Using the HGG leasing option, companies will find that the machine investment will virtually pay for itself each month.

HGG is offering leasing and lease-to-buy options for its entire line of 3D profiling machinery, which includes their entry level ProCutter 600, their entire line of SPC pipe-profiling machines and vessel and head cutting machines, RPC beam cutting machinery, PCL robotic profiling lines, TCL tube and pipe cutting lines, and their new ship profiler. Contact your HGG sales specialist for specific details.

Along with advanced 3D pipe-profiling technology, HGG says that its leasing option offers manufacturers a wide range of benefits. Not only does it give manufacturers the option of expanding budgets while conserving capital, it gives companies the convenience of not having to arrange bank financing or having to convince their capital budget committees into making a large purchase. Plus, and with only a fixed cost, they can take advantage of current tax benefits, while protecting themselves from many ownership risks.

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